What a beautiful day. Pictures below! Thanks to all who came out and helped with the roadside clean up as well as all who contributed to making the Spring Picnic a great, delicious success.
Annual Election 2022 Results
Thank you to our new and returning WHCA Officers and Board:
President | John Manascalco |
Past President | John Reich |
Vice President | Mary Richmond |
Secretary | Ali Leistner |
Treasurer | Shayna Reich |
Directors | Megan Crider Lessne Andrew Cuevas Mary Beth Shea Kris Nakamoto Russ Osborne Steve Huckeba Caroline Bias Kathy Crawford Peter Melley Bev Lesko |
Communication/Committee Chair | Linda Hennig |
ROADSIDE CLEAN UP Sunday 4/24/2022 1pm to 230pm.
Our 2nd Annual Roadside clean up is April 24th at 1pm – 230pm This will be followed by our neighborhood picnic. Come out and meet your neighbors. This is a fun way to pitch in to help our Lake Whippoorwill Hart Rural Settlement and get to know your neighbors.
Meet at the intersection of Kirby Smith and Tyson/Broleman to pick up supplies, say hello, or join a team.
The Annual WHCA Spring Picnic will be held on April 24 from 3-5pm
on the Reyes Property at the corner of Kirby Smith and Broleman Rd.
This will be preceded by a Roadside Cleanup from 1-2:30
It is time for a community gathering!! Participants will be asked to bring their own chairs and a side dish. This year we will cater the meat so we will need a fairly accurate head count,
Bring your own beverages.
Annual Dues( $20 (single) $35 (family) will be collected at the picnic or you can go online and pay. Dues are optional but help support WHCA activities and donations to local charities. Go to whca.biz click on Donate.
You will receive a separate notice about the cleanup.
Click on the link below (or copy/paste to browser) to RSVP for the Picnic and indicate the number in your party. In the Public comment section, Indicate what you will be bringing to share.
To volunteer for set up or clean up please contact Lmhennig@cs.com
Annual Holiday Parade 2021
A beautiful day greeted us at this year’s parade. The grand prize winner was a clever contraption, put together by the LESSNE family who entered a Rube Goldberg looking “Snow Factory On Wheels,” which burped bubbles/ snow / as the golf cart moved along. (Pictures will be added as they become available.) Thanks to all who made this a success – Steve and Rhonda provided the great BBQ and Bubba drove the hay wagon provided by Yates.
Eitorial error:The Lessne family of Brolemen Road won the grand prize.
Sewer Update!!
Sometime last year, we were told that a new sewer main, from which we derived no benefit, would invade our rural settlement, ./ In short time, the Commissioners had an earful and (apparently) from our intense email campaign, the decision was changed!!!
The Office of Orange County District 4 Commissioner
201 S. Rosalind Ave., 5th Floor
Orlando, FL 32801
Email: District4@ocfl.net
Phone: (407) 836-7350
Fax: (407) 836-5879
Found a Lost Cat or Dog? Please see our pet directory to quickly locate the owners.
If you would like to add your pet to the directory include your pet photo, address, and whether your pet is approachable in your email so we can include in the next directory update and send to either:
Cam Abascal cam.abascal@gmail.com or Caroline Bias biaslake@bias.org .
Annual WHCA Election
Dear Neighbors, As you know, we have had to be flexible as our situation changes daily. We postponed (indefinitely) the spring picnic and did the election online. Thanks for your patience. Results are listed below. |
President | John Reich |
Vice President | Mary Richmond |
Secretary | Ali Leistner |
Treasurer | Shayna Reich |
Directors | Linda Hennig- Committee Chair Lloyd Murray Dan Canty Andi Reyes Kathy Crawford Caroline Bias Johanna Kern Tiffany Boswell John Manascalco Beverly Lesko Robyn Ewasko Peter Melley |
2021 Dues are due!
It’s that time again –
a single person pays $20 and a family $35. You also may pay more if you choose. Lastly, we are having a PAyPal option. For that convenience you will pay an extra dollar.
Single person $21 family $36 (unless you want to donate more).
Click on the “Donate” button on the heading – when you “click here” you can fill in the amount $21 for single or $36 for a family.
You can also pay the old fashioned way – by check payable to Whippoorwill Hart Comm Assoc – mail to Shayna Reich 12121 Kirby Smith
A Tribute to Caroline Randall
As president of the Lake Whippoorwill – Hart Community Association from 2015 until 2019. Caroline Randall’s tireless efforts benefited our community on countless issues. While our rural settlement attempted to manage the incredible growth around us, Caroline kept a watchful eye on issues that would impact our community. Her presence and voiced concerns were considered with noticeable changes to the impact of growth on our rural settlement.
Caroline gave selflessly of her time and expertise, attending countless county and city meetings, in efforts to protect our precious Rural Settlement from encroaching development. Her tireless commitment to our cause will have a lifetime effect on the future of our community.
Sadly, she has moved to another area. We shall miss her greatly!
The WHCA board of directors and all its residents, applaud and thank Caroline for her labors of courage and commitment to our community.