Join your neighbors to mingle on 12/8/24 245pm.

245pm Parade line up starts at the corner of Kirby Smith and Nittany,

Decorate anything that moves.

3pm Parade to the picnic site (corner of Kirby Smith and Broleman – Reyes property)

John M will grill a feast and neighbors will bring something to share.

Bring your own Beverages and Chairs

Look forward to seeing you there!

Remember to pay your dues Donate |

Please invite any NEW NEIGHBORS you have met.

Watch your email for the signup genius link to RSVP

Annual Community Trash Pick Up

Sunday April 21, 2024 11am

Join us at the corner of Tyson/Kirby Smith/Broleman for this fun event. Get out and meet your neighbors while keeping our community beautiful.

We will provide trash bags and gloves, you provide the people power.

Spring Picnic 2024

The Spring Picnic was a huge success. President John M grilled, neighbors shared their best dishes, and we enjoyed celebrating Linda and her many years of friendship, service, and community building.

SATURDAY April 6, 2024 3pm

We are excited to see you all for the Annual WHCA Spring Picnic!
When:   Saturday April 6 from 3-5pmWhere:  Corner of Kirby Smith and Broleman Rd.  (Reyes Property )Please RSVP with how many will be attending AND what you can bring to contribute in the attached SignupGenius link: Our President John M will be on the grill to provide burgers and dogs for everyone. Bottled water will be provided but feel free to bring any else you wish. 

We will also be verifying email addresses and telephone numbers of residents at the check-in table.
Annual Dues of $20 (single) $35 (family) will be collected at the picnic or you can go online and pay. Dues are optional but help support WHCA activities. Go to and click on “Donate”

Santa Parade and Picnic December 2023

We had a good turnout for the Holiday parade and picnic. Many new residents attended. 

Many thanks to Picnic Coordinators Megan Lessne and Amanda Binns;  Chef John Maniscalco; Signs Russ Osborne; Parade organizer  Dana Lessne; Judges, Linda Hennig & Kris Nakamoto: Darryl Bell HO HO HO, and to our whole amazing community for making this a fun event every year.

Neighborhood Watch –

We are renewing our Neighborhood Watch program

We have recently requested the Orange County Sheriff increase their patrols in our rural settlement because of speeders, and more recently, an increase in burglaries both in locked/unlocked vehicles and break-ins. ALSO Within the past few weeks, we’ve had 3 or more reports of checks being stolen from mail boxes.

Many residents have shared this information and the Orange County Sheriff is using photos and information to identify vehicles (from resident’s cameras.)

If you are a victim: “Call the non-emergency number for OCSO Orange County (OC Sheriff (407) 836- HELP make a report (if you don’t make a written report. nothing can be done.) PLEASE MAKE A REPORT

Send us an email

Whipporwill HartCommunityAssociation (include pictures or any other relevant info.

If you have any questions, please email me (

Because of the volume of messages and emails etc this has generated, please limit your responses to essentials.

We will be sending a similar email. Please call me if we have forgotten anything –

BTW I don;t do well with texts – Email or cell.

Lloyd Murray (407) 230-5191 (will reach me too – preferable)

Spring Picnic 2023

It was a beautiful afternoon for our picnic. Thanks to the Grill Master, and to everyone who brought dishes to share and helped with shopping, clean up and set up.

2023 Annual Picnic & Road clean up.


NEW DATE Sunday April 23, 2023

WHCA SPRING PICNIC 2023 Please indicate total number in party and what you will bring in the comment section.  Thank you! Don’t forget to bring chairs and preferred beverages.Date: 4/16/23 RESCHEDULED TO SUNDAY 4/23/23 (Sun.) Time: 3:00pm – 5:00pm EDT Location: REYES PROPERTY -KIRBY SMITH AND BROLEMAN

Click on this link to RSVP for the Picnic and indicate the number in your party.
 In the Public comment section, Indicate what you will be bringing to share.
Created by:  LH  Linda Hennig
But first … Let’s cleanup our roads….

Hello WHCA neighbors-It is time for our 3rd annual community roadside clean up!  You may have noticed the accumulation of litter on our roadsides, either from falling out of trash cans on garbage days or littered by through traffic. This is a great opportunity for us to get together with neighbors to clean up and beautify our community the morning of our spring picnic:

 WHCA Roadside Clean Up Event

 Sunday, April 16th

Rescheduled due to weather. New Date is Sunday April 23rd, 2023

 11:00 am – 12:30 pm Please grab all the neighbors and family members you can and join us!  The more participants we have, the more ground we can cover.  We will meet at the corner of Kirby Smith and Tyson at 11:00 am and will supply gloves and bags before spreading out.  Golf carts welcome. Please sign up at the link below.  

In the “Quantity” box, indicate how many in your party.

WHCA Roadside Clean Up

2023 Elections

Congratulations and Thank You to the following residents who are newly elected or continuing to serve.

President John Manascalco
Past PresidentJohn Reich
Vice President Mary Richmond
SecretaryAli Leistner
Treasurer Shayna Reich
DirectorsMegan Crider Lessne
Amanda Binns
Mary Beth Shea
Kris Nakamoto
Russ Osborne
Ly Nguyen
Caroline Bias
Kathy Crawford
Peter Melley
Bev Lesko
Communication/Committee ChairLinda Hennig


 2022 WHCA Holiday Parade and Picnic

Join us for our annual parade down Kirby Smith Road on Dec 4.    Decorate anything that moves!  

Lineup begins at 2:45 on at the corner of Kirby Smith Rd. and Nittany Ln.  The parade begins at 3 pm and proceeds down Kirby Smith to Broleman.  The picnic begins shortly thereafter at the Reyes property (Broleman and Kirby Smith).   Rumor has it that Santa will make a visit.    Don’t forget to bring chairs and preferred beverage

Go to this link to RSVP for the Pot luck holiday party.  In the message box, indicate what you will bring to share and how many in your party.


If willing to volunteer to help set up, serve, or clean up, please contact:

Mary Beth Shea

Peter Melley

If you have any new neighbors, please share this news with them.