


(Revised) October 2015

  1. NAME:
    This association will be known as the Whippoorwill Hart Community Association (WHCA).
  2. PURPOSE: The purposes of this association are:
  3. To keep residents informed regarding issues that may impact the Lake Whippoorwill Hart Community.
  4. To help promote fellowship among residents of the Lake Whippoorwill Hart area.
  5. To maintain the autonomy of the Association by not entering into land disputes or representing position(s) of individual landowners. Choice of individual land use is not association business. As the Association cannot represent all of the differing views in our community, those wishing to pursue specific agendas may do so on an individual or group basis, aside from the Association.


  1. The Board of Directors will designate the location and date of the meetings.
  2. A General Meeting (Annual Meeting) will be held in the first quarter of the New Year for association business and the election of officers. Other general meetings will be at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
  3. The Board of Directors will meet at least three times each year.
  4. A quorum for the Board of Directors will consist of a majority of the Board members.
  5. In the event of a tie vote the President will vote.
  6. . Other Committee or special meetings may be called when deemed necessary by the Board of Directors. Members will be duly notified.
  8. All landowners and/or residents of the Association area are eligible for membership in the association. The Association boundaries are the Rural Settlement (as defined by Orange County).
  9. Dues will be an amount established by the Board, paid annually per couple, household or non-resident landowner. Membership period starts on April 1 and ends the last day of the following March.
  10. Each household in good standing (annual dues paid) has one vote. Couples each have one vote. Absent members may vote by written proxy submitted to the secretary prior to the meeting. Members must call to ask for absentee ballot.
  11. A quorum will be met when ten or more members (including the Board of Directors) are in attendance at any regularly scheduled or special meeting called by the Board of Directors.
  13. The Association shall be managed by a Board of Directors consisting of four (4) officers and not less than three (3) or more than ten (10) Directors elected from the general membership at the Annual Meeting
  14. The elected officers will be: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Directors. The Board of Directors must be members in good standing in the Association.
  15. C. Term of Officers, Directors and Standing Committees will be for a period of two (2) years. The President, Secretary, and 2-5 Directors will be elected in Even years; the Vice President, Treasurer and 1-5 Directors will be elected in Odd years.
  16. Officers and Directors may be re-elected to serve consecutive terms.
  17. Standing Committee members may serve consecutively as appointed by the President.
  18. Vacancies on the Board of Directors will be filled by Presidential appointment. All such replacements will serve the remaining term of the member replaced.
  19. A vacancy of the President position will be filled by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. The replacement will serve the remaining term of the President.
  20. The immediate Past President, when voluntarily leaving office, if not voted into another position remains a member of the Board of Directors for a period of one year if willing to serve.


  1. Prior to Annual Meeting, the Nominating Committee will prepare a slate of candidates approved by the Board of Directors.
  2. The ballot will be sent via email to the general membership. Members with no electronic address on file will be mailed the ballot by US mail.
  3. Members unable to attend the Annual Meeting may mail their ballots which must be received prior to the Annual meeting.
  4. Members attending the meeting will be provided a ballot and time to vote.
  5. Votes will be tallied by someone other than the nominees.
  6. All officers elected will assume the office at the conclusion of the meeting.
  8. The Treasurer is authorized, with the approval of the President, to spend funds not to exceed $100.00. Any disbursement over that amount will require the approval of the Board of Directors.
  9. The Treasurer will submit a financial report to the Board of Directors at each noticed meeting.
  10. An annual audit will be performed annually by a group of members, other than directors, to be chosen by the Board of Directors.


Each committee chairperson will be appointed by the Board of Directors. The chairperson will then organize the committee. The following committees are standing committees:

A.BY-LAWS COMMITTEE: will review and suggest revisions to the By-laws as the need arises, but at least every three years. Revisions will be noticed at a regular board meeting and voted upon at the next board meeting. Approval requires a ¾ majority vote. Changes will go into effect immediately following the vote.

B, CRIME WATCH COMMITTEE: will suggest methods and means to improve community awareness of criminal or illegal activity in the area. This committee will be made up of the Crime Watch Coordinator, Block Captains, and any interested resident.

  1. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE: will actively seek new members for the Association and suggest ways to increase retention and interest of present membership. The membership committee will oversee dues renewal and collection at an annual meeting social event.
  2. COMMUNICATION COMMITTEE: will oversee communications to the general membership, send notices of meetings and event dates, and oversee posting of road signs for meetings. The committee will prepare, edit and distribute a Newsletter periodically. Distribution will by US mail or via email to members whose address is on record. Communications will also be posted on the website.
  3. DIRECTORY COMMITTEE: will prepare for publication and distribution of the Community Directory on an as-needed basis to all community residents. Acceptance and approval of ads for the directory will be at the discretion of the Board.

F NOMINATING COMMITTEE: will be responsible for soliciting the nomination of new officers and Directors for the coming year. Two months prior to the annual meeting, a request for nominations will be sent to the membership via email and posted on the website. At least one month prior to the annual meeting, the nominating committee will submit to the Board a slate of candidates. Following approval by the Board, the ballot will be sent to the general membership. Once the slate is approved, the nominations will be closed, except at the annual meeting, nominees from the floor will be accepted. All nominees must be willing to serve and be association members in good standing.

  1. PET WATCH COMMITTEE: will coordinate the efforts of the Orange County Pet Watch Program and the community and will report directly to the Board.


Ad Hoc committees and/or a Task Force may be formed by the Board of Directors to meet the needs of the association and will be discharged when the business for which they were formed has been completed.

  2. All procedures of this Association will follow the revised ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER.
  4. The Association assumes no responsibility for any property which may be brought into or left in any meeting hall, club building, grounds or place utilized by the Association. No member, guest or anyone can claim against the Association for such action.
  5. The Association assumes no responsibility for any accident or injury to any member, guest or anyone using any property, facility, social event or function sponsored by the Association. No member, guest or anyone can claim against the Association for such actions.

ByLaws reviewed and Revised by Bylaws committee

Approved by Board of Directors 10/29/15